“A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.”
—– Neil Gaiman
Please choose ONE book that means something to you, write on the front page things that you want the person on the other side of the world to see, to read, to imagine and to feel, then please date it, write down what you do, where you are, if you are strong enough, you can even insert a picture of you in it!
I will translate your words into Chinese and bring them to schools like this in China and donate the books to the kids or even help to set up a library!
First one has already been done in Ning Xia and we are looking forward to more books and a second library soon!
To me, books meant a lot! they are the keys to the outside world, wings to my dreams, tools to my achievements, companions to my thoughts, mirrors to my own merits and faults…… 2010, on a sunny summer day, I donated the books that I owned and loved to a group of lovely children in a rural school in NingXia, China, the idea of giving them more books, more inspirations, more resources to realize their dreams and most importantly – the love of reading came into my mind.
Since I came back, I have been asking people to donate one book with some words written on the front page to be shipped back to them.